a - z指数

安全 & 紧急政策 & 程序

紧急 calls from the residence halls and apartments for fire, 警察, or ambulance assistance or services should be directed, 如果时间允许的话, through the residence hall or apartment staff on duty. For extreme emergencies, call 911. 紧急情况下, contact one of these: A Resident Assistant (on duty each evening in your hall), the Hall Director on duty (contact at your hall's front desk), or University Police at 660.562.1254 or 911. 

Residential Life works 关闭ly with University Police to provide students with a safe living environment. Residence halls are secured 24/7 with an electronic access system. Resident Assistants conduct rounds each night to ensure that policies are enforced and the community is safe.


In the event of an earthquake, residents are encouraged to follow these general guidelines:

  • Stay indoors if already there.
  • Take cover under sturdy furniture and/or stay to the interior of the building.
  • Stay away from the outside of buildings. Stay as near to the center of a building as possible; an interior corner is best. Protect head and neck, if possible.
  • Stay away from glass windows and exterior doors.
  • Do not run through shaking buildings where debris is falling.
  • If outside, stay in an open area, away from buildings and utility wires.
  • Follow all directions from University personnel following the quake. 


In the event of an actual fire or a drill, all residents are required to evacuate the buildings. Follow the instructions of Residential Life staff, University Police Officers, and/or firefighting personnel. Keep the following items in mind in the event of a fire:

  • Walk; don't run. Be particularly careful in staircases. 不要使用电梯!
  • Proceed directly to a place of safety. Do not attempt to salvage personal belongings. 他们不值得你这么做.
  • 关闭 doors and windows when you leave.
  • Before opening a 关闭d door, feel to see if it is hot. If it is hot, attempt to find another exit route.
  • A towel or blanket soaked in water can be helpful in combating smoke inhalation.
  • If at all possible, wear shoes and wrap a towel around your head.
  • 在任何时候, follow the instructions of personnel authorized to take charge at the scene of the emergency. If you have any questions about the procedures, contact your RA/SA immediately. 


The University will hold fire drills to acquaint the residents with fire evacuation procedures. All residents and guests should follow directions during the drills. Failure to evacuate the apartment may result in judicial action as outlined in the Student Conduct Code.


The fire/smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and hose connections are to be used only in case of fires.  Immediately report when an extinguisher is used so it can be refilled. Residents will not block fire extinguishers. Inspections of fire extinguishers in each apartment building and resident hall will be done on a regular basis. Objects are not to be affixed to or hung from sprinkler heads.

Tampering with fire equipment (smoke detectors, heat sensors, sprinkler heads, etc.) or setting off a false alarm is a misdemeanor under State law. Disciplinary action will be taken against a student found tampering with fire protection equipment or setting off the alarm under false pretense. 


St. Francis Hospital and 健康 Services serve the University for 紧急 Care and after-hours medical treatment (when Northwest's 健康 Center is not open). Residential Life Staff should be contacted in the event of a medical emergency. They can assist in notifying University Police for appropriate means of transportation. Hall staff cannot transport students to the hospital. 


When a tornado or other severe weather is reported, residents are to follow the procedure of each building and move in an orderly manner to the designated location for shelter. If time and conditions do not permit this, please go to the hallway on the first floor of your apartment building. Keep the following items in mind in the event of a tornado:

  • 关房门.
  • Proceed to a designated area (where there are no windows).
  • Take a blanket or a pillow.
  • If a warning is declared, immediately move to the designated area of safety. If there is no time, get under a piece of heavy furniture and protect head and neck.
  • 远离窗户! 

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